Code of Conduct

Sailing with King Con Cruise, you become part of our community, and we pride ourselves on making that a safe place for all of our event family. We don’t want to place restrictions on anyone presenting however they are most comfortable, but we do require folks to limit offensive, harassing, and illegal behavior.

With that in mind, we ask that our staff, guests, and attendees observe the following:

  • Be kind to each other. Insults, discrimination, harassment, etc. will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, both personal and professional statements, as well as references to other events.
  • Please be judicious in your consumption of alcohol and other substances. Should you be determined to be too inebriated to participate in King Con Cruise events, or should your behavior be otherwise disruptive or harassing as a result of your intoxication, you will be removed from that event and/or prevented from further participation. This applies to guests and staff as well as attendees.
  • Possession of alcohol by underage attendees and/or controlled substances by anyone is both grounds for removal from King Con Cruise events and subject to legal action on the part of the relevant authorities.
  • Please be respectful of your fellow travelers and refrain from engaging in harassment, physically or verbally threatening behavior, persistent unwelcome attentions (stalking, taking photos without consent, etc.), use of physical force, or otherwise assaulting others and/or creating a disturbance. Please note that aggressive, lewd/explicit, and/or generally offensive behavior or language, as well as obscene gestures and racial, religious, or ethnic slurs will be considered harassment. Violation of consent will also be considered harassment.
  • Please observe the rules of consent. No means no, and so do polite deferrals, nonverbal cues, and overt inebriation. This applies to any and all interactions, not just those of the 18+ variety.
  • Do not take photos or videos without consent of the subject(s).
  • As a fellow attendee, if you see someone being harassed, threatened, or otherwise being made the target of inappropriate behavior, we encourage you to speak up and say something. As a community, it is important that we look out for one another and make sure everyone is treated with respect.
  • Please refer all complaints/issues to the appropriate parties. We cannot address concerns if we are not aware of them. This is doubly important if you feel harassed, threatened, or otherwise endangered and/or observe the same.
  • Please do not join, escalate, or otherwise encourage conflict.
  • Please do not make any promises of action on behalf of King Con Cruise unless you are expressly authorized by the event to do so.
  • Please refrain from any actions that would endanger the safety of yourself and/or your fellow travelers.
  • Please be considerate of our venues and venue staff. King Con Cruise will not be held responsible for any damage you may do, nor will they cover any resulting costs. This includes posting notices on walls and the distribution of flyers or other print materials.
  • Please comply with all venue rules regarding clothing (including costumes/cosplay) and accessories, props, and weapons.
  • Please wear your badge at all times. Your badge is required for admittance to any closed events and assists our staff in locating King Con attendees in public settings.
  • King Con Cruise reserves the right to revoke or suspend event access and badges. If you break the rules of the event and/or venue, you may be barred from further participation in the event, up to and including prevention of joining future cruises.
  • Please be observant of all local, state, federal, and international laws. If you are found in violation of these laws, you will be subject to legal action on the part of the relevant authorities and King Con Cruise will not be able to intervene on your behalf.
  • Please comply with all venue regulations. If you are found in violation of the regulations, you will be subject to punitive action on the part of the relevant authorities and King Con Cruise will not be able to intervene on your behalf.
  • King Con Cruise is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property, or for injuries sustained during the course of the convention.

In short, be kind, have fun, exercise common sense, and, when in doubt, don’t!